Nocyst is a food supplement that inhibits the adhesion of E.coli to the urinary walls, has bactericidal effect, diuretic and volumetric activity, promotes the appropriate physiological functions of the urinary tract, and prevents and helps to treat recurrent lower urinary tract infections.
Nocyst is a nutritional supplement formulated to promote the appropriate physiological functions of the urinary tract. It contains natural plant extracts such as: Cranberry - a plant native from Canada and North Eastern States of USA that is usefulness in infections of the urogenital tract where Proanthocyanidins, the herbal ingredients contained in Cranberry, prevent the bacteria from attaching to the mucosa of the urinary tract. This product promotes diuresis. In case of disorders of the urinary tract, it is very important to drink plenty of water and stimulate diuresis. Nocyst , a plant principle that characterizes cranberry for its purifiying and diuretic propreties. Combined with grapefruit seed extract and other natural extracts, promote kidney function and urinary tract health.